My three grandsons at Christmas celebration
Our celebration was quite an event as the entire family was together which very rarely happens as we all live in different parts of the country. I’ve written about it in previous postings this month, but I thought I’d put up a picture of my three grandsons. I don’t think there is another picture in existence of the three of them together! On the left is Nick, age 22; in the middle is Harry, age 13; on the right is Pat, age 24. Mick and Cindy are parents of Nick and Pat, and Teri and Mark are parents of Harry. However, I believe I’m going to have to start calling Mark “Lurch” as in the Addams Family! He became aware of his resemblance to Lurch in the picture on the posting I did on January 2 with Teri, Harry and Mark . . . I mean Lurch. So from now on I must remember to refer to him as Lurch.
I can hardly believe those three big, strong guys are my grandsons. Where did the time go? I remember rocking each one of them when they were little. I would sing my favorite songs to them over and over again – “Bye, Bye Blackbird” and “You Are My Sunshine.” I loved doing it and they seemed to enjoy it.
I remember when Nick and Pat were little, they came to stay with me and I had a big, cardboard box on the floor and they spent most of their time in it just playing. And when Harry came to stay with me, I had a Maytag store friend deliver an empty refrigerator box to me for Harry to play in. He slept in it and watched TV from it. He was not a baby then, but he still loved it. He did that for a couple of years, but I couldn’t keep getting huge boxes every time he visited, so we stopped with the boxes. I have a feeling he’d still like to do it if I could get a box. It would be fun to get a box big enough for the three of them.
I find it hard to believe these guys are as old as they are. I find it even harder to believe my girls are as old as they are. And as for me . . . well, I can remember asking my mother if she had made a mistake on my birth certificate and I really wasn’t that old at all. It seems that the years go by faster the older you get. When you’re young, you want to get older and do older things. When you’re older, you’re just glad you’re still around!
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