Continuing the family Christmas celebration
As I wrote in my previous posting, our family celebrated last weekend at the Mallory Hotel here in Portland. We had a wonderful time as it is so seldom we all get together, so this was a very special several days for us. We had some gifts on Saturday night, and I took a few photos.
When I got prints made of my film, I was almost freaked out by the one of Teri and Cindy opening a gift I gave them. The economy is so bad now and no one has any money, so we didn’t go overboard with gifts. I never do as I never have any money – I don’t care what the economy is. One of my gifts for my daughters was some really, really cheap lipstick and some lip gloss that was under $1 each. I know we are always looking at lipstick and trying new ones, so I thought it was just a crazy, fun gift. Teri looks happy about it, but Cindy looks shocked and horrified! She’ll probably kill me for using this picture, but I couldn’t help it. It was nice to see my daughters so appreciative of my gift to them.
My other gift that was a huge success – much to my surprise – was a t-shirt with a picture on the front of Harry when he stayed with me last summer for a few days. He and I watched “Stargate SG-1” on television until my eyeballs nearly fell out. Either Mark or I took a picture of him watching it, and I used it in one of my postings back in August. I had my photo shop put it on a t-shirt for me, and I thought it would just be a fun gift. I was hoping Harry wouldn’t think it was stupid. Well, when he opened it up, he went crazy! He loved it and I loved his reaction. It was so much fun that Saturday night when we exchanged gifts. It wasn’t the gifts that made it special, it was the fact that we were all together and doing it at the same time rather than in separate cities around the country that made it so special. Those times are to be cherished.
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