“Fringe” is a new FOX show premiering Tuesday, September 9 – 8:00-9:30PM. I watched the pilot yesterday and again this morning. There was so much happening in this show, and I wanted to make sure I saw everything. It was exciting! It begins with a wild scene on an airplane coming in for a landing which is both shocking and horrifying. From there it deals with the cause of the plane incident which will not be easy. The three main characters are a pretty, female FBI agent, a scientist who was slapped into an institution (not a good institution) many years ago and his estranged son who becomes un-estranged as soon as he gets his dad released from the loony bin. They then go to work, trying to figure out why all the creepy things happened on that plane, but they end up finding out more than they expected. The female FBI agent is very pretty and smart, the scientist is brilliant and his son is no slouch in that department either. The three of them make a good team.
There is everything in this show – romance, mystery and humor which I like. It also has much action – buildings blowing up, wild car chases – lots of Kaboom!! Who could ask for anything more?
I think this show will be a big hit. I know I’ll be watching.
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