Stargate SG-l time at the compound!
Here is Harry, eyes glued to my television screen which is showing an episode of Stargate SG-l. Harry and his parents came to visit last Thursday, and the parents, Teri and Mark, left Friday morning for San Francisco. They returned Sunday evening. When Teri told me in advance that Harry would bring some Stargate SG-l episodes, I didn’t know that meant he would be bringing the whole season! I didn’t even know what Stargate was and thought maybe I’d watch a couple of episodes and that would be “bonding” enough. I never watch shows with creepy people from other galaxies, roboty people, people with strange marks on their bodies and dress in very weird outfits. I never watched “The Terminator” movies with Arnold Schwarzenegger simply because I don’t like that type of movie and I’m not wild about Arnold. I never watched any of the many “Star Trek” series and wouldn’t have even if someone had paid me . . . although it would have depended upon the amount. I like cop shows, crazy sitcoms and shows with real people dressed as real people. But Harry drew me into his Stargate world and we watched it all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday! He explained each episode to me as I lay on the couch in a sort of funk - I just couldn’t seem to take everything in. However, I did become acquainted with the main characters who were trying to save earth from all the weirdos out there . . . and there were a lot of those. Things were humorous at times, so that made it better.
I think I was a Stockholm Syndrome survivor by the time they left this morning. I found myself wondering what was happening in Stargate world, but all the DVDs were gone. I washed some clothes, changed the bed and shuffled around the house. I did introduce Harry to the “Craig Ferguson” show which I put on my DVR each night. We’d watch every morning before Stargate. Harry liked Craig which made my watching Stargate worthwhile. I think I accomplished something on this visit.
So I think we all had a good time – I know I did. And now I don’t have to fight Harry for the television remote anymore. What is it about men and boys who always want to have the remote and surf around while watching a program? I tried to explain to Harry that it was mine, but it never did sink in. Men can be so dense sometimes.
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