I’ve been going to Tom Dwyer Automotive Services for quite some time. They have seen me through several different cars, and I’ve been extremely satisfied with their service. I now have a Volvo which I affectionately call “The Tank” because it’s so heavy . . . even the doors are heavy and the trunk, well, the trunk is also very heavy. Everything about it is heavy, but I guess that works to my advantage because it makes me safe when someone decides to wipe me out. When I need repairs done, it takes a while because I think they probably have to phone, send a telegram or e-mail Sweden to send over the proper parts. They’re not cheap, but what can you do? I think I’m helping one of the employee’s kids through college; I’m not sure which one. But I do my share and expect good treatment which I always get. That is, until one day when something happened!
I was getting ready to pay my bill and I noticed a big ball in the corner – a ball made out of rubber bands. I got really excited and asked Clint, who was waiting on me, what it was about. He told me Ken Bartz, the manager, had started it out of rubber bands 7 years ago. Clint picked it up, brought it over to me and asked if I’d like it. I shouted “Yes, I would,” but it turned out he was just kidding. I was very disappointed. I told him I could have put it on my deck with my bowling ball (I don’t bowl). I got the bowling ball at a Goodwill store one day – I don’t know why, I just did. I tried arguing with him, and I think I embarrassed him because he had been kidding all along, not expecting a sane person would want a rubber band ball. But he just didn’t know me that well – I’m not that sane. So while I was whining and fussing about the ball, Ken came over and held the ball. And that’s when I took the above picture. As you can see, it’s about the same size as a bowling ball and would have looked great on my deck. But it was not to be. I may have threatened to stop bringing my Volvo to them, but if I did, it didn’t work because I came home without the rubber band ball. Now when I go there, I just look at it. I don’t think I could even sneak in and steal it as I couldn’t carry it – it’s pretty heavy, like my Tank. So I’ll just have to enjoy it when I’m there. And each time the Tank and I go there, the rubber band ball is a little bigger. Ken is very diligent and does a good job with the ball – also my car.
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