This picture was taken many years ago, and it appears that I was crying. I must have either just wet my pants or it was an incredibly hot day – probably both. I used it because that’s just way I’ve felt all week. It has been so blankety blank hot I felt like shooting myself! I don’t have a gun. I probably wouldn’t do it even if I did have a gun. Every day the weather forecasters have said that the next day would be the start of a “cool down.” Unfortunately, the “next day” never seems to come. It’s been in the 90s for days. My house looks like a tomb – all the blinds are closed and the doors shut as nothing but hot air pours in when I open them. I use the air conditioner as little as possible because of the electric bill. I do have a big fan on the floor that helps some. I’ve been going out for a walk about 6:30am every day – usually in what I slept in the night before which isn’t that much. Sometimes I stop at Starbucks on the way back and get a coffee cake slice which takes away all the benefits of the walk.
During the day, I do next to nothing. It’s too hot to vacuum (I don’t do much of that anyway) and dusting is out of the question. I clean the toilets and prepare my food . . . so what else is there? I watch a lot of TV, but I do that anyway. I’m trying to read two books at one time – the latest James Frey book and Craig Ferguson’s book. They are both good, and this time Frey’s book is a novel which the other one was but he didn’t tell anyone it was until it was too late. I watch re-runs of L&O - all three of them. I watch Seinfeld and DVR Craig Ferguson and watch him the next day. There are some new shows starting, thank God. I don’t think I could have lasted much longer. So I’m wondering, just how has my life changed with this heat except for the fact that it’s too damn hot? I guess not much.
I try not to watch many news shows, as then I really feel like shooting myself! I got so sick of seeing Jesse Jackson on TV. Why is he even newsworthy? Does that guy have a real job – has he ever had a real job? The news is so grim – the stock market’s down the toilet, Fannie and Freddie are down the same toilet, banks are failing or about to fail, people are withdrawing their money from one bank . . . where do you suppose they’re putting it? People are getting laid off, companies are going bankrupt, gas is out of sight and food is just as bad and that’s just for starters. Our country is in a shitload of trouble, and it all started when our great leader decided to take on Iraq. Didn’t turn out too well, did it?
That’s enough of that. Guess I’ll go and see if L&O is on someplace. I know it is.
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