There’s been quite a lot going on in McKinney, Texas, recently. I’ve never heard of that city but finally found it on a map, fairly close to Dallas. It must be a little podunk-type town where everything revolves around football, but then doesn’t everything in Texas revolve around football? One article refers to McKinney as an “affluent bedroom community.” I don’t think I’d want a bedroom in that town. There are cheerleaders there at McKinney North High School who have made quite a name for themselves . . . several names in fact. They’ve been called “Girls Gone Wild” and the “Fab Five.” These girls have wreaked havoc on the coaches – five have resigned in the past 3 years – and other students. They considered themselves an elite social clique that was above the rules set down by the school. And what I find really crazy is the fact that the principal of the school is the mother of the ringleader of these girls!
They put very risqué pictures on My Space showing them in their panties and drinking. But the clincher was the photo of the “Fab Five,” taken in a Condoms To Go store, in their cheerleading uniforms, posing with large candles shaped like penises. One even appeared to be simulating fellatio. I think now they should change their name to the “Fab Skanks.”
They were mean to other students, stole the cell phone from their coach and sent dirty text messages to her husband and to another coach. The girls seemed to be invincible and untouchable. No one could stop them. But the school finally took action. Their latest coach resigned in October and recounted her experiences to the media. The school suspended the girls in the drinking photo for 15 days and the condom photo for 30 days.
But parents objected so they changed it to 15 days for everyone.
In December, the principal resigned, receiving $75,000 and a letter of recommendation for her next job. Will she go on to another school where she’ll let skanky behavior flourish until someone spots it on MySpace? And why is she getting $75,000 for letting all this happen?
As the mother of two former high school cheerleaders, I didn’t have to deal with any of the problems the McKinney school had. My girls didn’t put their pictures on My Space because there was no MySpace. And there was no Condoms To Go store in our neighborhood . . . at least I don’t think there was. I’m sure there is now though. But just think how MySpace now provides a window through which we can observe the funky and snarky behavior of others and which also presents a medium where our young people can meet older men who wish nothing more than to be their mentors. Whatever in the world did we do before we had MySpace? What a wonderful world!
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