I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Monday, December 11, 2006

Sheep Experimentation

There was an article in “The Oregonian” on 11/4/06 that was quite disturbing concerning the ongoing gay sheep experimentation at Oregon State University. It seems that Martina Navratilova has sent letters to the presidents of OSU and OHSU asking them to end these “homophobic and cruel experiments.” She says it is very offensive to gays and lesbians. I say it is offensive to everyone!

These experiments have been conducted for years in apparent obscurity. I can see why they wouldn’t broadcast it to the general public. Could it be they might be too embarrassed to admit what they were doing? This apparently is being done to find out why some rams prefer other rams rather than ewes. Do we really care? I know I don’t.

All this work was hidden in the “academic closet of ovine endocrinology,” whatever that is, until 2005 when an OSU football player was pulled over for drunken driving, and he just happened to have one of the study’s rams in the bed of his pickup! It didn’t say what the ram was doing there, and I don’t think I want to know. PETA is calling for an end to these experiments as it is cruel and ethically questionable. Some of the animals are killed so their brains can be studied. During the experiment, the rams and ewes are securely fastened to something in a room – each one separate from the other. Then another ram is let into the room and gets to pick the one he wants. Do the researchers take bets on which way the ram will go? How much money is involved? PETA says this is like rape, and it’s being done under the guise of helping ranchers avoid spending much money on rams that won’t breed. PETA thinks this science will eventually be used on people. Of course both OSU and OHSU vehemently deny these accusations. I’m wondering why it’s been going on for so long and why even study it? What do they think about other animals that hump anything . . . what about dogs that hump your leg? Should they be put into an experimental group? If that were the case, I know a lot of dogs that would be locked up someplace at OSU right now.

I thought about checking in with Tiffany and Amber but decided this subject might just be too confusing for them to handle.

Here’s an idea . . . why don’t these researchers direct their efforts toward finding a cure for cancer? That’s just my idea.


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