Do It Yourself!
You know how ads appear on television about depression and weight, and how you can answer some questions and then call a number or go to an office and someone will tell you that, "Yes, you are depressed and fat and we will fix you for so many dollars." Well, I decided to make up a test, not for depression or weight, but just to see what kind of person you are. It costs nothing, and no one else will know. It's for you alone. I hate all the ads on television - they all just try to suck you in. So here goes - The following is just a sample test:
1. Do you masturbate?
a. Yes
b. When - every Thursday
c. What do you think of it - undecided, don't know what it is
2. Do you exercise?
a. Yes
b. When - every day I walk to the mail box
c. Are you ok? Undecided
3. Do you smoke?
a. Yes
b. When - only when I drink
c. Are you coughing? Undecided
4. Do you drink?
a. Yes
b. When - only when I smoke
c. Are you drunk now? Undecided
5. Do you use dental floss?
a. Yes
b. When - all the time
c. I use yarn, but it's pretty hard getting between my teeth
6. What do you think of the job our Congress is doing?
a. Pretty crappy
b. When - all the time
c. Undecided
7. Do you like Mitch McConnell?
a. No
b. When - all the time
c. Undecided - who is he anyway
8. Do you bathe regularly?
a. Yes
b. When - when I smell bad
c. Undecided
9. Do you roller skate?
a. Yes
b. When - in the bathroom
c. Undecided
10 Do you chew gum?
a. No
b. When - I said no!
c. Undecided
Now, we're all done with the quiz. See how easy it was, and it didn't cost you a dime.
If you answered all in the "a" column, you're very normal. If you're in the "b" column, you're a little hinky, but interesting. If you're in the "c" column, you're incredibly stupid!
Can I trust the psychological test...?
Leo, at 5:07 AM
Sure you can!
I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?, at 10:30 AM
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