I’m cold!
I just talked to my daughter, Teri, in New York. It wasn’t a long call. She was interrupted by a guy telling her to notify another gal about something. Teri said she thought he was going to do it, but he told her she was going to do it. So I heard her e-mailing the gal. I asked her about it and she said they were all going to someone’s house for cocktails and the guys wanted to walk and the gals wanted to take the subway. Then she said how tired she was because she had been to cocktails and dinner out with business people last night. It all sounded quite exciting to me, so I was going to tell her about my day. But then she said she had to go, so that was it.
I could have told her how I went out to empty the paper and garbage and my neighbor walked up to me and pointed at my pants. I looked down and realized I had on the pajama pants I had taken off only minutes before – the yellow ones with faces with big black eyes on them! I had put them on after I took my shower. I did dress my upper body properly so that should count for something. I could have told her how I was watching out my deck window, waiting for Charley, the squirrel, to come by so I could throw an empty milk carton at him. But instead two blue jays came and they scare more easily. A little bird finally came and tried to take a drink out of my garlic lid watering place, but she just pecked at the ice as it was frozen solid. I fixed it but she probably won’t come back until it’s frozen again. By then I was bored, so I played my yodeling pickle a couple of times. Cindy gave it to me – it’s from her Brownie Morrison store in Tacoma. It’s a green, plastic pickle and yodels really loudly – I love it! I didn’t do much else that was exciting as it’s so darned cold now. My plants all fell over last night in the freeze. I would have fallen over if I’d been out.
Cindy and her family are coming on Thanksgiving if the weather is doing all right. Teri bought us a Thanksgiving dinner at a nearby grocery store, and they’ll pick it up when they arrive. How about that? Everything will be ready to eat. Teri won’t be here with us as she was here quite recently. I’m so lucky to have the daughters I do. They’re so good to me and make me laugh. I have fun with them which I hope will continue a long time.
The picture is when I was just a little younger and there was snow. My mother dressed me well for that kind of weather. We don’t have any snow right now, and I wouldn’t be standing out in it if we did!
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