Mom’s getting her batteries charged!
I’m going to the hospital in a couple days for new batteries in my old pacemaker . . . or maybe a new pacemaker. The doctor won’t decide until he opens me up and I won’t know until I wake up. I hate when that happens – I like to be in control, and for a while I won’t be. I’m taking a corrected DNR with me as my old one had old addresses for my daughters, and they would be the ones to pull the plug if needed. They move occasionally so I updated everything. They don’t always answer the phone either, so I hope they won’t be needed. It would take Teri a while to get here as she’s back in New York. Cindy will be here with me so she would answer her cell phone . . . although sometimes she turns it off. This whole business is getting to me! Cindy was with me for the first one and it was wonderful having her here. She asked me the other day if she’d have to take an icky bandage off me and I told her no. She did that for my cancer surgery.
When I had breast cancer, both girls were with me. I had to stay overnight and the girls went shopping while I got bored in the hospital. Teri bought some “cancer” pants at a store she now calls the cancer pants store. When I called to tell her I was going in for a charge-up, she said she wished she could be with me but just couldn’t come right now. She said if she did she’d get some “pacemaker” pants. I wish that could have happened. Maybe she can find some in New York.
I love my girls so much. They make me laugh and really keep me going. I wish they lived here as I really miss them. But I moved to Wash. D.C. right after college, never giving a thought as to how much my parents would miss me. What a bitch I was! So I guess I can’t fault my daughters for doing the same thing.
The picture is of Cindy, Teri and Harry at the coast in 1996. The girls are so pretty and Harry is so plump! I love it.
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