Mushrooms and news
Here’s the picture I mentioned in a previous blog about the mushrooms growing outside my window. I think they’re mushrooms – I don’t know what toadstools look like. I don’t eat mushrooms as they seem really icky to me. But these were really pretty, and people were stopping to look at them. They just seemed to appear out there, and then, just as suddenly they disappeared. I don’t know if someone picked them all or the gardeners dug them up. Very mysterious.
I see where the Health Care bill finally passed last night. At least part of it did. There are so many more things they have to do with it that I have no idea when and if it will actually take affect. Stupak and his cronies voted for it because Obama made a special dispensation to the effect that abortions would not be federally funded. Now all of Stupak’s buddies are pissed at him, but who cares? To think that people would spend so much time and money over the abortion topic, when it is legal according to the Supreme Court, makes me wonder if we are being taken over by an ignorant population. What is wrong with abortion? It is not to be used lightly, but is often necessary and LEGAL!! I get so sick of stuffy old men railing against it. I’m getting to the point that every time John Boehner comes on television, I turn it off. I hate his arrogance and the way he pontificates endlessly as if he were the answer to everything. I can’t stand him!! There are so many other problems in this country such as kids going hungry and people without jobs. So come on you guys, start thinking about the important matters – the things that matter most in our country.
Matters got ugly last night as people started hurling epithets at gay members and doing the same with African American members. Why do people act that way? Are they really that bigoted or do they just let it out on special occasions. I’m thinking it’s the former. This is a sad state of affairs, and I fear it will be a long time before matters settle down in this country. I’m sick of the whole thing which I think I’ve said before. I know Obama and his people worked long hours, days and nights on this bill and I surely commend them for their efforts. They did what most people thought was not doable.
To end this on a humorous note, I saw a bumper sticker the other day that I really liked. It read: “Things haven’t been the same since the house fell on my sister.” Isn’t that a great one?
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