I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Fun Times!

I’ve been writing my blog for quite some time, and it’s usually about my daughters and their families, my parents and other family members, the animals I’ve had and sometimes about current events or politics. So I’m writing this one to show that I’ve had a life myself throughout the years.

After my divorce, it wasn’t easy to begin dating. I don’t think I ever actually did. I felt like George Costanza’s mother on “Seinfeld” when she horrified George by telling him she was “out there” now that she was separated and had had an eye job. George was “out there” already and didn’t want to run into his mother. Seems like there’s always a “Seinfeld” episode to fit a time in your life . . . or maybe my life. But I did become involved a few times which is sort of like dating, but not quite. Anyway, I met the guy in the photo at a local gathering place . . . okay, I met him in a bar. He was from a foreign country . . . Canada is foreign, isn’t it? The picture wasn’t posed, obviously, but I like it as it brings back good memories. Someone took it while he was visiting me here in town. I’d visit him in Canada, and he’d show me all around Victoria, BC. I saw many interesting places and some beautiful scenery. We had some good times together, but there was a distance problem. So it ended. A few years later, I realized I had been a cougar before that term was ever in use. I was a pioneer in that process!

I later became involved with a guy from Louisiana which actually is a foreign country . . . a very strange and interesting country. But I realized there was no way I could live where it’s so humid and where fighting cocks live in little, tiny A-frame houses along the highway. So that didn’t work out. It was fun, though, to pull in to drive-in places that didn’t sell espressos - they sold frozen daiquiris! I don’t drink coffee, so I thought those little establishments were a novel idea. But it was not meant to be. He soon married a woman he’d known all his life who lived right there and just wanted to take care of him. I have a full-time job just taking care of myself!

At the present time, my only relationship is with Larry. It’s a good relationship. I put his food out on the deck and he spends a lot of his time there. It’s the kind of relationship where you don’t have to fight over the remote. Larry does watch TV sometimes from the deck. One of these days it would be fun to have a relationship with a guy who might take me to a movie or just go for a walk together. I might even let him come in the house occasionally. I don’t have any of that with Larry. After all, he is just a sparrow.


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