Dress-up with Dad
When Teri and Cindy were kids, they loved playing dress-up. Cindy spent a lot of time in dress-up clothes and even brought the neighbor kids into the program. There are many pictures of the doctor (Randy) in some crazy outfits with Cindy along side of him, some of which I have already shown. I had a big box of some of my old clothes which I wore back in my younger days, and they were put to good use by my girls. There was one dress that seems to be in many pictures, and I think Cindy is wearing it in this picture. I wore it to a dance when I was a freshman in high school, and I never really liked it. I guess no one else did either, as I never had another date for years. Teri looks quite good in her little green dress. I think it was a dress she had worn several years before that. It looks kind of tiny. They both looked so happy, and I loved their hats or whatever was on their heads.
So much time was spent dressing up, and sometimes the girls wanted more people to join them. Who better than their dad, Darrell? Darrell was so good with the girls; I even have a picture of him in pink sponge rollers the girls had him wear. In the picture here he is wearing what I think was a long skirt I had in college that I wore to a formal dance. I may not have had a date for a long time after wearing that skirt either. But everyone in our neighborhood wore it at some time playing dress-up. I don’t know what else he was wearing, but it was something white. I don’t remember playing dress-up with them as those were my old clothes and I was through with them. Besides, I was probably busy in the kitchen, baking my secret Spam recipe for our Christmas Eve dinner. I wish Darrell could see his girls now when they really dress up – he’d be so proud and right there with them.
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