Scene opens with Katie at a club in Palm Beach on 6/19/02. She meets Gregory, they drink, do drugs and end up in parking lot where they see Frobisher and another man in a limo. Next it jumps to 6 months previous to present day time – this gets slightly confusing! Katie is questioned by Patty’s crew, but not truthful. Patty starts to leave the room, but grabs a ding dong. I guess this episode is called the “Ho Ho” episode, because Patty says the ding dong’s delicious but tastes like a ho ho.
Present day time – there’s a quick shot of Katie at the morgue, identifying her brother which is a horrible scene.
Back 6 months – Katie talks with Gregory and wants him to speak with Patty and tell her what he saw in the parking lot. Gregory won’t as he doesn’t want to become known because of his imaginary wife, and also doesn’t want his name plastered all over the news. Actually, I think he’s working for Frobisher because Tom Shayes turns up information showing he had Frobisher stock and sold it right before Frobisher’s company went down the toilet. He was probably hired by Ray Fiske, Frobisher’s attorney, back in 2002 to get close to Katie and feed her false information. Can anyone be trusted?
Tom asks Patty for help in getting his daughter into a prestigious school in Manhattan, but she blows him off since he’s supposed to have been fired . . . but he actually wasn’t. Tom later runs into Martin, the attorney that Patty wiped out in the first episode who offers him a job in exchange for helping his daughter get into the school where he has significant ties. Tom turns him down but later I think will accept.
David, Ellen’s boyfriend, talks to a girl in the hospital who comes onto him. He’s taking care of her grandpa - - or does she really have a grandpa there? Was she hired by Frobisher or Patty to do dirty work? She bends over and lets him see her thong and you know nothing good is going to happen with those two.
Katie meets Gregory again and he says he knows who the man was in the limo with Frobisher – Luke Richards. He says he recognized him from pictures on TV. But I don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth, so that can’t be true. But Katie believes him. He wants her to back out of the whole thing with him, but she won’t.
Katie is questioned again and is shown pictures of possible suspects. She identifies Luke Richards, assistant to Frobisher’s broker, as the one even though she didn’t see him. She’s going on what Gregory told her which is the plan Gregory had all along - to discredit her in her deposition.
Tom calls Martin and says, “Make me an offer” after Patty has him doing more errand-boy work rather than attorney work which he wants to be doing.
Patty holds a mock deposition and the guy playing Ray Fiske, Frobisher’s attorney, tears Katie to bits. He brings up her cocaine addiction, her stay in rehab and her abortion six weeks after the night with Gregory in Palm Beach. Katie loses it, fake Ray Fiske says she’s not ready, and Patty says to practice again.
Present day – Katie looks at Ellen behind glass in the interrogation room. Detective tells her David and Ellen had called off their engagement – Katie didn’t know that.
Back to the deposition – she has the real one with Ray Fiske who gets nasty with her, but she gives it right back to him in a nasty, sweet way. She describes the exact time she saw Luke Richards get into limo in parking lot with Frobisher. Fiske produces a photo of Richards at an ATM in Atlantic City with a transvestite hooker hanging on him. The date and time is printed on the picture which is in direct contradiction to Katie’s story. Katie is out of it – probably realizing she’s been set up in a bad way. She jumps up and says, “This is bullshit,” and storms out. Ray looks around and says, “Hear that, Patty? That’s the sound of the zeros dropping off of Mr. Frobisher’s revised offer.”
Gregory’s standing at river bank and Peter Riegert walks up pushing a pacifier-sucking baby in a stroller. He tells Gregory he heard things went well and Gregory says for them to leave him alone now – it’s been five years and he’s sure Katie didn’t recognize him. Gregory remembers how he gave Katie some pills to help her sleep after their night of sex before her big catering day. She took a couple. That’s when Peter Riegert walked into the house and saw Katie passed out on the couch snoring. Peter tells him they can’t leave him alone and walks off. Peter must be the guy at the bottom of the whole thing, and they can’t let him be identified by Katie. But did Katie see him while she was snoring? And who is he? And who’s the baby?
Tom confronts Patty as to why she let Katie testify when she knew Gregory was the missing link and Katie would be lying. She says so Ray Fiske would think they had nothing and would pull the settlement offer which is what she wanted all along.
Katie tracks down Gregory playing baseball in the park and yells at him. She finds out he’s not even married as he has said all along and gets really pissed. She tells him to go to hell and storms off.
Next scene, Katie’s packing car and getting ready to leave town. Ellen and she argue and Ellen says all the wanted was for Katie to tell the truth, and Katie says what Ellen wanted was to impress Patty. She leaves and David gets mad and yells at Ellen.
In one of final scenes, Patty and Ellen are talking and Patty says there’s an important lesson to be learned from all of this which is, “Trust No One.” For the finale, there is a montage of scenes rolling by very quickly, one of which is of David and the slutty girl from the hospital at the river bank. She’s definitely putting the moves on him. And I think Peter strolls by with the pacifier baby.
This show has so many twists and turns, it almost leaves you dizzy! I don’t think there’s one character that won’t end up being corrupted by the end of the season . . . that is if there’s anyone still alive. Stay tuned!
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