This show just keeps getting more exciting every time! The episode opens in present day time with David, bloody and dead in the bathtub. Ellen is standing over him, holding the Statue of Liberty bookend which obviously killed him.
Then back to 5 months earlier where Patty finds out she needs more information on Frobisher before they can go to court, and she has only a few days to get it. So it’s crunch time for everyone. About then, Patty opens a box sent to her that contains a grenade. It turns out not to be a live one, but everyone clears out and moves to her apartment to work She is assigned a secret service agent to follow her everywhere, all the time.
Katie’s friend, Gregory, from Florida appears on the scene, and it turns out they have been in contact recently, and Gregory is more than a one-night stand which Katie had told Patty. They make love while Katie’s dog watches close by, yawning all the time. He says he knows nothing and doesn’t want to see Patty. He wears a wedding ring. What is up with those two?
Frobisher screws around with his attorney, making him think he may have been responsible for the grenade. He tells secret service he’ll give them access to all his information, and then tells attorney not to do anything. It’s no wonder Ray, the attorney, looks so pale and listless all the time. Ted Danson is so evil and smarmy in his role!
Back to present day – Mr. Nye, the attorney, goes to see Ellen where she’s being held and asks her why she didn’t call Patty. All she says is, “Just get me outa’ here.”
Back to earlier times - Patty talks to her secret service guy and tells him how she was attacked years earlier by a CEO she had just demolished in a court battle. He slashed her as she was leaving the courthouse. Patty says, “Taking power away from a man is a dangerous thing – someone always pays.”
Patty’s son is a real fruitcake. Patty and Phil, her husband and Michael’s stepfather, meet with school officials who tell them Michael hacked into school records and stole information about everyone who worked there or attended school - all kinds of personal information. There were many other offenses, and Patty and Phil are hoping they will suspend him, but the school decides to give him another chance. Patty has Uncle Pete dig up more information on Michael which is really frightening.
In the meantime, Phil is driving out of the parking garage while the “Dying Aria” from La Boheme is playing. As the car moves out of the garage and turns the corner, the singer reaches the climax (not hers), and as she hits the very high note, you hear a crash. As soon as I heard that music getting louder, I knew bad things would happen. Phil ends up in the hospital with a bloody forehead. He had been reaching for his glasses in the glove compartment, and there was a grenade there instead. He crashed the car into something and hit his forehead on the windshield.
Patty has dinner with Michael and asks him why he is behaving so badly. He says he tries to make himself stupid as he’s scared of being smarter than his mother and afraid she’s going to realize it. This is one nasty, hateful, screwed-up kid. He tells her when he makes her laugh or get angry, he’s controlling her! Is he some kind of pod person or what? She gets nowhere with him and tells him it has to stop right now. He walks out of the restaurant and a guy drags him into a waiting SUV that speeds off down the street. Patty comes out of the restaurant and talks to a man with papers that have Claremont Reform Academy as a heading. It’s an enrollment agreement. So Michael will be away for a while, hopefully a very long while. In the information that was given to Patty, it apparently showed Michael buying the grenades on-line. So he was the one. Patty signs the enrollment papers there on the street.
Back to the present – Ellen tells Attorney Nye, “I didn’t kill David – someone tried to kill me.” One scene at the end shows detectives saying they know she didn’t kill David because a neighbor heard a big fight going on over there, and then she stormed out, leaving her engagement ring. The last scene is horrible - lots of screaming, Ellen falling all over the place and bloody, dog trying to get out, more screaming and then that was it. A terrible way to end, but it sure makes you want to watch next week.
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