When my grandson, Harry, was about 7 years old, he came with his parents from Los Angeles for a visit. He had told me he wanted a big box to sleep in, and it would be called “Big Bob’s Video” which was a game we played about a video store. So I called my friend, Pat, who owns Division Maytag here in town, and he was kind enough to deliver an empty refrigerator box, at no charge, to my condo. That’s what I call a good friend. I put yellow paper around as much as I could of the box and wrote “Big Bob’s Video” on the front. The above picture shows Harry in the box and also Harry standing on my sidewalk the next morning, wrapped in the quilt I had made for him. He’s looking rather puzzled, either because it’s so early or maybe it’s because he didn’t have a good night. Or maybe it’s starting out as a really bad hair day!
Here’s what had happened that night: Harry and I watched TV – probably L&O: SVU because we both like that – and then it was time for us both to go to sleep. I was on the couch where I always sleep, and Harry was in his box on a big, brown bean bag pillow I had made. His folks were gone for the night, so we were alone. He put up a fuss, but I was very sleepy, and I told him he was very sleepy. So I turned off the lights and the TV and put the remote on my chest to keep it close to me. I hate to be too disconnected from my TV – I suppose there are other people who feel that way – at least I hope there are. So I fell asleep and awoke when I saw Harry creeping around me and trying to get the remote! I was not very happy about that at all, and I yelled, “Get back in your damn box and go to sleep!” He did just that, and we both went to sleep. I haven’t won any awards for grandmother of the year, and I don’t remember even being nominated. Now why do you suppose that is?
Good story! Funny kid! You are NOTHING compared to my grandmother! Sometime, I'll fill you in...
BoggyWoggy, at 5:41 PM
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