My Health Book
I recently found a Health Book notebook that I made when I was in the third grade. It covers many topics, a few of which I’m going to list below. I also did all the illustrations which are much better than I do now, even when I’m really trying! The picture above was on the page of Health Rules about drinking. I think the two guys are drinking whiskey as there’s a W on each bottle. One of the guys is getting ready to fall on his face. I don’t think I knew how to draw him on the ground, but you get the picture.
Healthy Minds
1. Do not think bad thoughts
2. Do not say bad words
3. Be kind to animals
4. Always think nice thoughts
Calmness and Health
1. Do not get excited
2. Do not walk up and down and look worried
3. When you are excited, sit down and stop being excited
4. Do not look worried and be mad all the time
Health Laws
1. Do not spit on the sidewalks
2. If you are sick or have measles, do not play with other children
3. Do not smoke while you are children
4. Do not drink whiskey or any kind of bad drinks
Health Rules
1. Don’t drink whiskey
2. Don’t drink any kind of beer with alcohol in it
3. Don’t drink when you are steering anything or riding in anything
4. Don’t drink beer
I say these are rules to live by, and they’ve stood the test of time.
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