I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Sunday, November 12, 2006

MONARCH COVE --------------- AGAIN!!!

After last week, I swore I wouldn’t put myself through watching this show again. But for some reason or other, I just had to see what crazy happenings would be going on now. This series is so “over the top,” campy and silly and has entirely too many incidents going on at one time. It’s very hard to keep on top of things. That’s why I took notes last night, but now I’m having a hard time reading my notes as I took them as I was lying on my couch and the pen gave out writing upside down. I needed the pen Jerry Seinfeld got from his dad’s neighbor in Del Boca Vista – I think it was an astronaut’s pen that could write upside down. But I will try and remember a little bit of what happened last night.

It starts with Bianca crying in the shower after Jake tells her he has to marry Elizabeth because she’s pregnant. She cries and cries and when she gets out, Gran appears and is finally out of her bathrobe. Arianna, Jake’s mother, goes to Steve’s room and they have sex. I’m not quite sure just what Steve does around the resort except have sex with Arianna and probably anyone he can. I think the daughter, Sophia, sees them. Sophia sees all the nasty things her mother does, and Arianna does plenty. Jake and Elizabeth are getting married in a week, and Elizabeth will be living at the family resort for that week. Arianna tells her she can have no sex before the wedding. That’s funny coming from Arianna who has sex every time she goes around a corner! Bianca is the concierge for the resort – Jake hired her. That brings up an interesting question – where did Bianca get her concierge training as she’s been in prison for 6 years. Do they have concierge classes in prisons these days? I thought they were cutting down on the extras in prisons. . . . no smoking, no TV, no sex(I doubt that) . . . . in other words, no more frills.

Arianna hires Kathy as her assistant after she finds out she’s a Foster. That infuriates her husband, Alexander. I’m wondering what he had going with the Fosters. Possibly something to do with the dead mother . . . an affair . . . or is the mother dead or just out of the picture? Or did he kill Mr. Foster? I just can’t seem to keep up with the story line.

Kathy tells Jake he and Bianca should have an affair while he’s married since they love each other. Kathy is getting into her “bitch” mode again. Ben says he can get medicine for Gran from Canada for $5,000, so Bianca asks Jake for a loan of $7,000, at least that’s what I thought she said. Why so much? Gran is back in a bathrobe.

Arianna and Kathy start on a shopping trip supposedly with Elizabeth, but Elizabeth doesn’t appear. They wait in the car, and when Elizabeth makes her appearance and steps behind the car, Kathy tells Arianna to go RIGHT NOW! They knock Elizabeth down who whispers, “my baby,” while Kathy stands there smiling. The bitch is back! Arianna fights with husband and goes to Steve’s room for sex. Arianna is either drinking or having sex all the time – sometimes both at the same time. Quite a woman! The baby is fine so the wedding is on.

Jake has a bachelor party and gets too drunk to drive home, so he drives to Bianca’s house where he spends the night. There’s no sex as he’s too drunk and asleep. Gran calls Canada and talks to the doctor up there who is sending her the medicine to cure her cancer so she won’t have to take the nasty chemo. Everyone’s delighted.

Elizabeth tells Bianca the baby might not be Jake’s as there was a one-time thing with someone else. She doesn’t tell Jake but Bianca tries to and fails at it. So the marriage takes place. A mystery man shows up claiming to be Alexander’s son! Alexander denies it, of course, so we’ll have to wait and find out what that means. Alexander enlists Kathy to go to the mystery man’s room when he’s gone and steal some evidence. Sophia catches Ben Foster burglarizing the resort, and she takes all the jewels from him but gives him a bunch of money. Maybe he’ll use it on Gran. . . . like that will ever happen! Then she puts the jewels outside where they are found, and she blames Steve to get back at her mother for sleeping with Steve. She had wanted Steve for herself but her mother said he was the hired help and not good enough! So later, Sophia finds Ben on the beach where everyone hangs out all the time. Does anyone ever put in a day’s work? She and Ben say a few words and then make out! Things move right along at Monarch Cove at a very fast clip.

Bianca and Gran walk on the beach and Gran tells Bianca that Kathy was adopted! Gran has been getting fuzzy from her medications or senior moments, so we don’t know just what is what when she speaks. Biana tells Gran about the mystery man and Gran is so happy now that there may be another Preston boy and Bianca can have him since she lost out on Jake.

More happened during these two hours, and I know I’ve left out things such as the story line about Detective Straker and his gun-toting wife. Straker was killed by the person they think killed Bianca’s father. But I can’t go into that now as I’m getting tired and confused. I need some of Gran’s tea …. I wonder where she is . . . . do you suppose she has some brownies? I could sure use something right about now.


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