I had heard very little about this new TV show being premiered on Lifetime. I could find no reviews anyplace, but my daughter, Teri, said it was one we should watch! So we did. Teri was here for the OSU football game and returned to “The Compound” at 9pm when the program began. I was lying on the couch and she settled into a big recliner chair where she immediately fell asleep. It didn’t take very long for me to figure out why it had never been reviewed for publication. The show is TERRIBLE!
It begins with Bianca, a young blonde woman who was convicted of murdering her father six years before, returning to Monarch Cove after being cleared of the murder. She walks through the town and finally comes to her grandmother’s house on the beautiful beach at the Cove. Her brother is not glad to see her and tells her to get lost. Her sister isn’t all too happy to see her either. Gran, her grandmother obviously, is apparently dying of cancer and spends her time drinking tea laced with marijuana and probably smoking it, but I never saw that . . . just a lot of tea. And she is always in a bathrobe. Gran is played by Shirley Jones, and all I could think was, “Shirley, Shirley, Shirley. . . do you really need money that badly?”
The two sisters take a stroll on the beach to see if they can find any rich man who will pay for Gran’s medicine to cure her. The medicine is something off the radar, so there’s no name for it and it’s illegal. They meet two guys who are cute and rich-looking. One hooks up with sister Kathy, played by Samantha Shelton. He used the other guy’s name who is very rich and owns nearly all of Monarch Cove. They retire to some room in the Cove hotel there and have frantic sex. Kathy tells Bianca she’s in love. Bianca meanwhile
has hooked up with the actual rich guy, but I don’t think they have sex. She’s not as wild and crazy as Kathy. It turns out that the brother, Ben, has been selling drugs to get money for Gran and is beaten up by the dealers.
All through this I kept exclaiming, “This is so bad it’s embarrassing!” Teri would open her eyes and agree with me and then go back to sleep. The rich young man, Jake Preston, actually has a girlfriend who may be pregnant. After meeting Bianca, he decides he doesn’t want the marriage. His parents are not too happy with that. His sister doesn’t care as she’s got her eyes on the security guard or pool boy, whatever he is. But her mother, played by Rachel Ward, gets mad at the guy and chases him off. He later finds her drunk by the pool where she falls down, so he helps her to the pool house where they make wild love.
Kathy tries to blackmail Eddie, the guy from the beach and the sex, to get money for poor, old Gran but he tells her he has no money. And then we find out that Kathy, the little bitch, had told Ben and Gran that the father had molested Bianca and that’s why she shot him. She says she did it so that her family would love Bianca even though she shot her dad. The father never molested anyone, so they get that cleared up very quickly.
More went on during the course of the 2 hours, but I’m getting tired and don’t think I can continue. I think I’ll go have a cup of tea if I can find Gran. I was surprised to see Shirley Jones and Rachel Ward in something like this, but I’m all for people making a living any way they can. I recognized Samantha Shelton from other things she has done, and thought she did a good job. I hope she’s not the bitch she portrayed in this!
dearest patsy,
long time reader fist time commenter.
i must say we normally have similar creative tastes...perhaps you'll remember "janice" and all of the joy it brought you?
what you might not know...is that i am the young man who emailed teri "janice" who then introduced you to the magnificence that is a fat child thinking he/she is going to plunge to their death while janice laughs at his/her pain.
so, when i introduced teri to the show "monarch cove" and she then in turn, introduced you to "the cove," i must admit i was shocked to find your bitter distain for my new favorite show on lifetime...not just for women anymore.
i find the show perhaps a touch over the top, yes...but i also find it sexy, shocking, entertaining, and outright awesome.
i do, however, respect your opinions of kathy...her performance being so strong that it made you actually question the fabric of her off-screen being.
i recommend watching next week in that the drama is just getting started.
word up,
Anonymous, at 2:23 PM
dearest patsy,
long time reader, first time commenter.
i usually find us having similar creative tastes, however i must say, i found myself shocked and appalled this morning after reading your write-up of the new lifetime program "monarch cove."
perhaps you remember when teri emailed you a video entitled, "Janice." what you might not know, is that i am the one who emailed teri that video before she graced you with it. i tell you this, only to cement the fact that i am a tastemaker and my opinion should be respected.
so when i say monarch cove is worth your while, you should treat the same as me saying "you should watch this video of a portly young girl/boy almost plunging to his death while being laughed at by his care-taker, Janice."
instead...you watch it and then throw stones at it like it's some kind of wicked adulterer.
i feel as though any show to have that much of an impact on you, whether good or bad, has done its job to entertain. and, young "kathy's" performance was so strong that you in turn questioned her actual fabric as a human, hoping the real kathy wasn't as "bitchy" as her character on the show.
i think you need to do some self-examining...because while you act like monarch cove has struck a chord with you, i say the show has plucked your heart strings...and i think you need to let us hear that song patsy...let us hear that song. and that song is you, loving the cove.
thank you,
Anonymous, at 4:31 PM
Wow! Your description really makes me want to watch this show. I think you should write reviews professionally!
Anonymous, at 11:49 PM
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