Too many trials lately!

In the recent months there have been so many trials publicized on TV that our minds are saturated with all the horrific details. To name a few, there was Amanda Knox - accused of killing her girlfriend in a sex game gone bad but acquitted in Italy; Casey Anthony - accused of killing her little daughter but acquitted; Jodi Arias - accused of murdering her boyfriend and convicted; Oscar Pistorius - accused of murdering his girlfriend. That one hasn't gone to trial yet, but when it does it will be a bad one. We just finished with the Zimmerman/Trayvon case which was all about "stand your ground" which is a law in Florida and many other states - mainly southern states which is no surprise. Zimmerman was a neighborhood watchman whatever that is. I guess he was watching for bad things happening and all he could come up with was a 17-year-old black kid, wearing a hoody and walking back from the store with some skittles and a can of iced tea. But Zimmerman didn't think that kid belonged in that neighborhood - an upscale neighborhood with probably no black people, and Trayvon was black. Racial profiling in action! So he got out of his car, which he wasn't supposed to do, and confronted the kid. He ended up shooting and killing him. He said he was afraid for his life! What can a kid do with skittles and iced tea? Are those weapons of mass destruction?
Now that he's free, he can get his gun back, but I don't know about his job. He'll be looking over his shoulder from now on and never feeling easy. I wonder how he would fill out a resume say he ever tries to get another job. I've decided I will no longer wear my black hoody with the target on the back. That's too inviting in case I run into a neighborhood watchman with who thinks I may be up to no good walking in an upscale neighborhood such as in this picture. I will be diligent.
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