Teri's having another birthday!
These birthdays just seem to fly by faster all the time. My girls get a year older every year, but I stay the same age whatever that is and that's the way it is and should be. Teri has done so much in her life and worked so hard at many different jobs. Her career has been very interesting and extremely stressful the past few years. I don't know how she has managed, but she's a strong person and seems to be able to deal with adversity when it hits, and then move on to the next new challenge. I think things are going to be better for her in the future for which I am very happy!
When Teri was little, I was so happy being with her. I loved holding her, rocking her and just playing with her. Those times are so fleeting, but you don't realize it at the time. It's only when you look back that it makes you sad for all the times that will never happen again. People say that when your kids turn 18 they're out of your control and on their own. That is so untrue! Your kids will always be your kids and you'll worry about them just as much as when they were little only the problems may be bigger than when they were little. All I ever wanted for my girls was for them to be happy and well.
I would like nothing more than to be able to give you a big hug, Teri. I really miss you and wish you were closer. I guess that's enough for this one - I'm making myself cry. I think the phone is going to ring, so gotta go.
I may have used this picture before, but I don't care. I love it.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I love you lots.
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