I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Pillsbury Doughboy

I hadn't heard about the Doughboy for quite some time, but the other night I was watching the news, and before I had a chance to change the channel since I can't stand all the press about the Republican mess going on, there came Newt, strutting across the stage with his helmet-haired, joined-at-the-hip wife close behind. I immediately thought of the old Pillsbury Doughboy as that is what Newt looks like! I don't listen to him as he doesn't sound like a sane person. He can't seem to remember the old times when he was so bad . . . and, of course, he still is. I'm not impressed with his notion of colonizing the moon! Hasn't he been crying about how the government spends so much money and how he's going to change that? Does he think colonization of the moon would just be a drop in the bucket?

It used to be I just thought of Newt as a short, chunky joke, but now I think he actually needs some sort of therapy. I think all those guys could use some therapy. What if Mitt Romney became our president? I always ask myself, "Would I date our president if I had a chance?" Bill Clinton - yes, George Bush(either one) - no, Barack Obama - yes. But who would want to date Mitt? Not me! Mormons don't drink or smoke, no coffee, no dancing unless it's not sexually expressive (that's impossible) and many more fun things that the rest of us do. I don't think I'd ever want to date a Mormon or have him as my president. I've eliminated Mitt and Newt and that doesn't leave too much. Ron Paul? I don't think so!! I guess I'll skip the news and watch reruns of "Law&Order" - they always perk me up and get my mind off politics.


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