I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

"New Girl" - new episode entitled "Jess and Julia" airing January 31, 9pm-930pm, on Fox

I just watched this preview and found it very funny. Nick has a new girlfriend, Winston is trying to hook up with a girl he used to use as a booty call when he was playing basketball - now he'd like something more normal. And Schmidt spends most of the show complaining about his wet towel - his blue towel that never gets dry. Whenever he takes a shower and reaches out for the towel, it's already wet. This is driving him crazy. Finally, they decide to make hangers for each separate towel. So in the last scene Schmidt reaches out of the shower for his blue towel and it's already wet! He goes crazy and screams and everyone rushes in. Nick says the blue towel is his and he's been using it all the time! Schmidt is furious and asks him if he ever washes the towel, and Nick says he doesn't. That makes everyone almost get sick to think that the two guys have been using the same towel and never washing it. So they talk about wearing each others underwear, etc. and it gets crazier by the minute. Turns out the beautiful red towel is all soft and fluffy and never even been used. Now that towel will be Nick's . . . or possibly Schmidt's.

The last scene was hilarious! Hope you watch it.


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