Another uneventful week has come and gone
I put up Teri's picture to make me feel better. I always feel better when I see my girls' pictures. Teri doesn't have the rose like Cindy's picture last week did, but that's ok. A couple of young guys were here recently and were looking at all the stuff I have on my fridge. My fridge is covered with magnets from Cindy's "Brownie Morrison" store and also family pictures. They said Teri looked like some move actress. I agreed.
I have felt a little stressed this week, wondering if I would get a social security check in August and have medicare in case I had to go to the doctor. So I haven't been spending any money and hiding what I have in my underwear drawer in case the government wants more from the middle americans rather than taxing the wealthy, the oil companies, corporate jet owners, etc. Taxing that group makes sense to me as I think middle america is tapped out. I can't understand the republicans and their way of thinking. Or do they even think? And the Tea Party people are all a bunch of idiots. I don't think there are any middle americans anymore - we've all been pushed down to the bottom.
I'm not the only one in my family feeling the pinch and being stressed. Cindy has her store and people just aren't buying stuff because THEY HAVE NO MONEY! She's also thinking about her back operation next week which is stressful. Teri is probably stressed on her job. She has had several jobs since she went to New York, and I was never quite sure just what she did. I would ask but never understood just what her duties were. So I quit asking so she wouldn't think I was as stupid as I really was! My last job was nothing like hers. I would do something on a computer and have one break in the morning. Then when lunch came, at 12 noon we would all rush into the conference room and watch the first half of "Perry Mason" on television. Then at 12:30 we would all go back to our desks and try to look busy. So we never knew how Perry ended which was no big loss. I don't think Teri works like that - I don't know if Perry Mason is even on anymore. Cindy can watch television in her store all day and wear jeans and tennis shoes. Now that's my kind of job!
I'm hoping things perk up for all of us next week. That's not too much to ask, is it?
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