President Cindy - - I Eta Pi
The above picture was taken when Cindy was a senior in high school. Cindy loves this picture and understandably so, but it was quite some time ago. However, she would have put a hex on me if I’d used any other picture, and I think it’s a pretty good one to depict her as the I Eta Pi president. Cindy is doing recruiting in the Tacoma area, and will sometime be having initiation. I don’t know what she’s planning – I don’t think the godfather or I will be in attendance, but we’ll hear all about it. She ordered the DVD of the Betty Broderick TV show – it wasn’t that expensive, but it cost about $100 to ship it overnight delivery. And Cindy said a friend, who owns a clothing store in Tacoma, is going to get T-shirts for us. So everything’s moving along quite smoothly. I hope to have a photo of the godfather up pretty soon.
Friday I spent on my Volvo, going to DEQ and DMV, two places no one wants to be. I passed DEQ and was thrilled, and then went to the DMV. That is a place I never want to be again in my lifetime. I picked number 114 and they were on 81 when I sat down. There were quite a few cubicles for people to be working, but there seemed to be only one woman in one cubicle. I waited about one hour and 45 minutes before my number was called. There was a woman, with whom I visited a little, and she was fun, but the man sitting directly across from me had only one huge tooth in his upper gum! I tried not to look at him and I guess he tried not to look at me. I think a root canal would be better than the DMV, but I’ve never had a root canal, so I probably shouldn’t say that. I got all hot and sweaty waiting for my turn and kept hoping no one would suddenly “go postal.” I could see that happening very easily. When I finally got out of there, some guy stopped me at the door and wanted to talk to me about ballot measures. I told him I wouldn’t sign anything and he took offense at that, so I rushed out to the car and left him sputtering. Isn’t there a law against doing that? Driving home the “check engine” light came on again! I had just paid a bundle of money to have everything fixed, so I was totally freaked when it came on again. I drove directly to my mechanic and he did something and made it go away. But he said it might come back! Everyone I talk to says those lights always go on and people drive with them on for years. Why do they come on? It really bugs me.
Late Friday night, Cindy called to tell me she was watching the Betty Broderick movie. I think she had already watched it, but once is never enough – even the same day. So she held the phone up to the TV so I could hear Betty screaming at Dan, her husband. It was kind of muffled so we didn’t continue with that for too long. Cindy said she’d call me the next day and tell me how it ended. So I said, “I KNOW HOW IT ENDS!” I talked to her yesterday while she was shopping for supplies to eat while she and a friend were watching it again.
This morning I went to breakfast with Doyle and Diane and their son, Dan. What a coincidence . . . he has the same name as Betty Broderick’s old husband. Dan is a good guy about the same age as my daughters. He probably secretly would like to be a member of the sorority, but I’ll just have to make it clear it’s only for women. I get a kick out of Dan and don’t want to hurt his feelings. I’m sure he’ll understand. I’ll be doing more updates on the sorority periodically.
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