Audrey III and her big, red tomato
The above picture is of the first red tomato from Audrey III, the plant in my computer room. I had earlier called her Audrey II, but I’d forgotten that name was already taken by the plant in “Little Shop of Horrors.” I’d earlier written that I didn’t think I’d ever have any tomatoes on Audrey, but now I have about 12! I guess my artificial insemination skills were pretty good.
Audrey is right next to me as I sit at my computer. She covers all the windows in the room facing south which is good for her. I love sitting here with Audrey to my left as she spreads across the room. I’m wondering if she’ll ever stop growing – I hate to think of taking her down. I don’t think tomato plants are usually grown in the house . . . probably never. I told the people at my garden shop about it, and they thought it was wild! I’ll take them some pictures and maybe even a tomato.
Audrey III has been growing since last March, and my neighbors give it curious looks as they walk by. Most of them know what it is, but they think it’s pretty weird and funny. They’ve never seen anything like it. They don’t know me well enough. I like weird and funny things and can’t imagine how dull life would be if I didn’t. Most of my friends know this about me. The condo next door is for sale, and I met the realtor and prospective buyers outside the other day. They asked me questions, and I told them I lived next door. The woman then said, “Oh, you’re the one who has those funny things on the window sill in the kitchen.” I told her they were Pez dispensers and then had to explain what they were. I should have invited them in to see Audrey and my huge nude painting of a woman that my nephew painted in an art class. The woman is reclining on pillows, and you can see her dirty feet – my nephew explained she was someone off the street who needed the money and probably didn’t have the best hygiene. On second thought, I don’t think I’ll let any prospective buyers inside my house. And who in the world doesn’t know what a Pez dispenser is?
But back to Audrey . . . I’ll be writing more about her as time goes on. I wish I could have a picture of the entire plant, but it’s not possible. But I’ll write if there are any new developments and possibly put up another picture of more tomatoes. I’ve never experienced anything like this before, and I’m loving it. And what did I do with the first tomato that’s in the picture? I kept it for a while and took many pictures of it on a white place mat. It’s almost as if it were a child that I had nurtured for months and was posing for the perfect picture. I finally realized I had to move on as we all do as our kids grow up, and since there was only one thing left to do . . . I ate it!
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