I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

“Rescue Me” season finale

I think this last episode was a precursor of things to come next year. The episode was filled with scenes of the guys doing their things – going on emergency calls, joking in the squad room and Lou being funny as he always is. He has the best lines of anyone in the show. But each scene seemed to be leading to something that will be happening in the future. Tommy goes to see Janet and you can tell he’s still in love with her, and she seems to feel the same way, but nothing happens.

In the last scene there is a montage of pictures as the camera rolls, all to the music of “Let the Good Times Roll.” Sheila finds her dead husband’s jacket (Jimmy Keefe, firefighter, who died in the Towers at 9/11). She had heard the guys had seen a ghost as they had seen someone in the jacket at fires and in the fire house. It was Tommy who wore it when he was going through some bad times emotionally. When she finds it, hidden in a closet in the fire house, she’s inconsolable and sobs as she holds it. Black Sean has a picnic with Colleen in the park which will probably infuriate Tommy next year. We see Chief Feinberg filling out a Section 8 form for Tommy Gavin. Does this mean the Chief will be back next year? Maybe he could have an accident and be put on disability or shipped off to a nursing home. Just get him out of there! We see Richie, Natalie’s brother, who is an idiot savant and mentally ill, marrying his girlfriend in the wheelchair. Franco is there and gives Richie his ring he had for Natalie until she pulled a fast one on him. Natalie will be furious when she finds out. We see Janet at a café with new boyfriend, Bob, and little Wyatt/Elvis. She suddenly notices a little stud in his ear that Sheila had done, and Janet doesn’t look too happy. We see Tommy and his dad at a minor league baseball game. His dad had asked Tommy to take him to a minor league game rather than the Yankees. Sean, Uncle Teddy and Lou are sitting up above them. All of a sudden, Tommy realizes his dad isn’t saying anything. In fact, he’s slumped over and apparently dead. Tommy sits there with him as the music and scene end.

There’s going to be a lot going on the next season from the looks of what happened last night. I'll be waiting!


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