My day at the beauty salon
This isn’t that day. This day I was baking chocolate chip cookies for my grandson, Harry, who has the big stirring spoon in his mouth, and his friends, Reggie and Hayden, who are Rita’s kids. Rita is Teri’s good friend from way back. I don’t remember how many cookies we made, because most of the dough was eaten before it even hit the oven, but we had a good time. Reggie was clutching her doll, Wanda, Harry was grabbing the spoon any chance he got and Hayden was a little more polite – he’s older than Harry and possibly was trying to set a good example. Or he probably figured he’d just wait until Harry calmed down and then move in. I can’t remember it all – it’s like a blur when I bake cookies for them. There’s so much going on, that it takes a while to recover from all the excitement.
But back to the beauty salon . . . I have gone to my hair guy, Steve, for years, and he’s seen me through many different hair styles. Sometimes I show him a picture of some teenage girl in a magazine whose hair style I’d like. He tries to duplicate it and probably does, but it never looks the same on me. Could it be because I’m not a teenager? So the last time I went, I took the above picture of me with my then hair style which is pretty much the way I wear it now. He appreciated my help with the picture and got to work. The other reason I took the picture was because I usually take him chocolate chip cookies. I had called him earlier in the week to tell him no cookies this time, and he sounded disappointed. He loves those cookies and looks forward to them. So this picture is of me baking chocolate chip cookies. What could be better? I think he understood, but he’ll be expecting cookies the next time I go. No more pictures.
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