Back to the Compound!
Today Cindy and Teri will be coming home to the compound. Sunday Teri is taking me to the Columbia Gorge Hotel in Hood River for a couple of nights, but Cindy will be going home to her job and Charlie, her dog. It doesn’t happen very often that the two of them are here alone with me at the compound, so it’s a special, crazy time!
I’m trying to get things ready for them, but I don’t know what to do as I hate doing the housewifey things since I’m not a wife and don’t have a house – I have a condo. So shouldn’t I be exempt from all those silly duties? And speaking of my condo – we’ve had painters here for it seems like forever, staining and painting all the units. A couple of days ago they finally painted my front deck while I happened to be at a neighbor’s for a few minutes. When I returned, there was all that wet paint and I couldn’t get in. As I have a very short attention span and don’t like waiting around, I finally walked very carefully in my good flip flops to the door, slipping and almost falling on my back! I made it in, but the flip flops were ruined. So Thursday morning I went to the flip flop store and bought another pair. After trying them out at home, I decided they were too big, so it was back to the flip flop store where I found a much better pair. From there I went to my hair guy, Steve, as I had called him early in the morning and said it was an emergency – I needed my hair cut a little. He was very nice and took me in – of course I took him cookies which he always expects. When I finally got home from all that activity, there was no more time to clean up for the girls. Too bad. The above picture is of Teri and Cindy in the bathtub – several years ago obviously -- which reminds me I should probably clean the bathroom and maybe the tub as well. I take showers so why should I clean the tub? We’ll see.
The other morning as I was eating breakfast, the “Today” show had one of their scary segments about how horrible things happen to nice people . . . or even bad people. I think they do those when they haven’t been able to come up with another celebrity interview that takes several days and a few “Datelines” to cover. This one was about mattresses catching on fire! “Oh my god!” I thought, wondering if that could possibly happen when Teri and Cindy are in the bed. So I put down my spoon and listened carefully. About 360 people die every year in a mattress fire! There is something that can be sprayed on the mattresses, but it doesn’t completely stop the fire from happening. The two main reasons for fires are cigarette smoking in bed (dumb idea) and candles. I don’t use candles and there will be no sex in the bed at that time, so there would be no reason for smoking. They went on to say . . . or maybe I just thought it . . . that if you smoke after sex, get out of bed first. This wasn’t “breaking news” – we already knew why mattresses catch on fire. And here I thought it was going to be something exciting like spontaneous combustion or misplaced land mines that started the fires. That darned “Today” show sucks me in every time.
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