Cindy’s having a birthday!
Today is my baby’s birthday – she’s not a baby anymore, but she is the younger of my two daughters, so she will remain my baby as far as I’m concerned. I know I tend to offer too much advice sometimes. She’s gone through some tough times as did I at her age, and I guess I just want to protect her and keep her from making the same mistakes I did. But when I get carried away on the phone, she’ll say, “OK, that’s enough of that.” And then we both hang up. I know she’ll make things good for herself as she always seems to come out on top . . . and without my help! And I realize it’s her life and she’ll have to find her way through it which I’m sure she’ll do very well.
Cindy and Teri got me started on my Blog, and also my attempt at making my own line of cards. Cindy came up with the name: “I’m A Patsy – Gotta Problem With That?” She is so sharp and quick and just plain funny. I’ve had so many good times with her and usually end up in hysterics when we’re talking. I always feel better after our conversations even if she does shut me up! She’s brought a lot of joy into my life – both of my daughters have. I consider myself very lucky.
A good example of what our conversations are like and why I end up laughing happened a few minutes ago when I called her. I asked what she was doing, and she said “I’m going poop No. 2 for the second time!” So then I said, “I just went poop No. 2 again – just like you!” Now if only we had had Teri hooked up with us on a conference call, we could have had the entire family reporting in.
The above picture is Cindy’s first grade picture. She doesn’t look quite like that anymore, but I still remember her that way.
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