Last week I visited Teri, Mark and Harry in Los Angeles. The weather was good and I had a wonderful time. I had hoped the cats would have learned how to use the toilet since my last visit, but no such luck. However, Lizzie and Angie are fascinated with all the goings on in the bathroom. When I’d use the toilet, there would always be little black paw prints all over the seat. And when I’d start going, Lizzie would come racing in and try to get behind me. Well, I couldn’t have that, so I’d push her away. But as soon as I stood up and flushed, she jumped up on the seat and watched the water swirling round and round as it emptied. It doesn’t take much to amuse those cats. All you have to do is go to the bathroom frequently . . . or just continuously!
One afternoon we went to the Huntington Gardens in San Marino. It is an estate built by Henry Huntington in 1919. He was a very successful businessman who filled the property with buildings for art, libraries, research centers, gardens and much more. But the gardens are the best part - they’re so beautiful and unusual. I spent most of my time in the Desert Garden area. I had never seen so many beautiful cacti. Some were huge and looked soft and sort of feathery, but when I touched them it felt like little tiny knives were sticking into my skin. We also saw the lily ponds with fish and the turtles lying on the bank in the sun. I love turtles and wanted to bring one home, but I was restrained by my family.
Harry has grown and matured so much in such a short time. He’s now taller than I, but then nearly everyone is. He looks like a teenager but he’s not yet 12 Time goes entirely too fast. One day Harry tried out for a spot on a city parks league baseball team. I thought he looked very good. So the next day, we went to a park where Harry and Mark threw the baseball back and forth until they could get up to the plate after the others had left. Harry really threw that ball hard and fast, and it seemed to go forever. When Harry started batting, I went into the field to save Mark from having to run out there from the pitcher’s mound. I picked up the first ball and threw it, overhand, as hard as I could, and it went about 10 feet and fell to the ground like a rock! I was embarrassed, to say the least, and tried once more with the same results. I felt like a real weakling! Harry said I threw like a girl which makes a lot of sense.
After baseball practice, we went to Damon’s Steakhouse in Glendale where they have a great Tiki bar. As we ate, we kept telling Harry to get his hair out of his mouth as he was eating it along with his food! His bangs are really long as is the rest of his hair. He looks like a surfer with his blond, streaked (natural) hair. I’m sure one of these days Teri will call and tell me they had to take him to the vet to have a hair ball removed from his stomach!
The above picture of Teri, Harry and Mark was taken in the Huntington Gardens. And I did make chicken divan for Mark and spam and chocolate cookies and whipped cream for Harry. Teri and I had girl time or woman time . . . what do you call it anyway . . . together, shopping and having lunch on the street in Beverly Hills. Not actually in the street . . . on the sidewalk. I doubt they allow street eating at tables on the streets of Beverly Hills, but you never know. All in all, it was a wonderful and fun visit.
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