I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I’m going to be in Los Angeles with Teri, Mark and Harry and their 4 cats and one dog for a few days. At least I think that’s the extent of their family unless they’ve been to a shelter someplace and come home with another animal like they occasionally do. The last time I was visiting, there was a bad scene concerning the many litter boxes they had in their house. I’m hoping enough time has elapsed that all the animals have learned to use the toilet like the rest of the family does. How long does it take anyway?

I’m going to be very busy as they have many things planned for us to do, one of which will be a pedicure for me and a massage for Teri. I’m really looking forward to that as I love to have someone rub my feet – I get tired of doing it myself. I’m also going to cook Mark’s favorite dish – chicken divan – one night. He already reminded me that was the only reason he agreed to my visit – chicken divan. I’m hoping Harry doesn’t want Spam, but he probably will. I introduced him to it one time when I must have been under the influence of something – who knows what-- and he loved it! I can’t really blame him as Spam is delicious . . . but it’s so bad!

My only concern about being in LA is an article I read in the paper about a month ago. It happened on Skid Row where a paraplegic man in a dirty gown was found sliding along the sidewalk on his bottom. He was holding a hospital property bag in his mouth with his teeth, and he was trailing a colostomy bag which was malfunctioning. It seems he was dumped there by a hospital van in the same area where city officials say hospitals have dumped homeless before. I hope these same city officials are doing something about this problem as it’s horrible that it has even happened. I don’t expect anything like that to happen to me, but what if I break a leg and end up in a hospital and my out-of-state HMO won’t recognize me in LA? HMOs tend to become quite territorial at times. Would they then dump me on Skid Row? Would they notify Teri beforehand? Would I be able to use my new cell phone to call for help? That probably wouldn’t work as I don’t really know how to use it yet, and it takes me about half an hour to even find a number I want to call. My daughters say I worry too much . . . now where would they get a crazy idea like that?


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