I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Friday, March 09, 2007

As I’ve mentioned many times, I watch a lot of television which includes commercials, most of which I try to ignore. However, there is one commercial for a well-known plastic surgery clinic here in Portland that has a very offensive commercial running . . . at least it’s offensive to me. It shows a woman complaining about her face, and the good doctor telling her she’s not yet ready for surgery. She goes back in a couple of years, and the doctor says he thinks she is now ready. She is elated! So she has some of her chin whacked off, and the results are shown in “before” and “after” pictures. You hear her voice – or maybe a voice-over person – saying the following: “I’m going to like not looking like my mom.”

I was horrified the first time I saw this commercial which was quite some time ago. At that time, I called the company and complained. I can’t imagine a daughter ever saying something like that about her mother. Even if her mother were an ugly axe murderer, it wouldn’t be the least bit cool to say that. And if that were the case, she probably couldn’t afford to have any work done anyway. My mother was a beautiful woman as are all mothers, and to think that a daughter would say that is unconscionable.

I called them today after I had once again seen this same ad. I told the woman who answered the phone how objectionable I thought the ad is, and she assured me she would pass my complaint on to the marketing team. Marketing team? You mean they needed a team to come up with such a disgraceful ad? I would think a marketing team with any brains at all could come up with a better ad than that. A monkey could do a better job.

In the meantime, I have canceled my appointment with them for a complete face lift. Just kidding! I would love to look like my mom.


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