I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Monday, July 01, 2013

Where should we put our dome?

I watched the TV premiere of "Under the Dome" last week and was not all that impressed. I could tell what would be happening in the coming episodes from what was revealed in this premiere. The episode started with the dome coming down all of a sudden over Chester's Mill, a very small town. It fell from the sky and just appeared suddenly. Actually, it didn't appear - people walked into it and were pushed back by some force. You couldn't see it as it looked like glass, only stronger. Cars ran into it and trucks smashed into it. A plane way up in the sky ran into the side and fell to the ground in a fiery mess. I think those happenings were the best! When the dome hit the earth, there was no warning. It fell in a field with cattle and sliced a cow in half from head to tail. You could see the two halves standing there! So it was quite a beginning. I think I lost interest in it after those exciting events. The town was left without many resources and necessities. The fire department had left for a parade in another town and I don't know about the police department. The chief had a pacemaker and people kept making references to it. That left an opening for Big Jim Rennie who planned to take over and put everyone under his command. He has many propane tanks out of sight that he had brought in and no one knows why. He's going to be a real bastard. A drifter named Mike could be bad, but I think he's going to be a good one. He was first shown burying a guy in the woods who turns out to be the husband of the journalist who offers Mike a place to stay. It goes on and on.

But all that got me to thinking. Why couldn't we have a dome in this country - maybe in some Godforsaken county in Texas -  for people who have strange beliefs. Of course, it wouldn't be possible, but it's fun to think about. I would put all the people who are trying to get rid of Roe v. Wade inside my dome and let them police themselves and leave the rest of us alone. I'm sick to death of listening to old men telling us how young women should live their lives, trying to enact laws to suit their own thinking. Also, I would put all the people who don't think there is such a thing as "global warming," even though it is readily apparent to anyone with half a brain, into the dome and let them enjoy all the horrific storms and heat we seem to be having lately. And I must not forget all the people screaming over the leaks going out from our government. They seem to think that we are the only country that has ever hacked into someone else's business or stolen classified documents and passed them on to a foreign government. Every country does it and has since the computer was invented and even before. I know it's not good, but it happens. There are commissions being set up every day to study how and why it is happening and who is at fault. If we spent more time trying to fix things such as our infrastructure which is in bad shape, our poverty level which never seems to get any better, children who go hungry every day and many other problems too numerous to mention, we could get ourselves in much better shape to face things as they come up. I'd put all those people who spend their time setting up commissions to satisfy their amoral ideas in the dome with the others.

I think we'd need a much bigger dome than the one over Chester's Mill. There aren't too many people living there, so I'd have to think bigger. As you can see from the picture, we built a small dome years ago and Teri tried it out. But it was pretty cold and couldn't hold too many people. I think one may have frozen to death!


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