OLYMPICS - London 2012
I watched the whole thing last night and was really impressed. I loved the greenness of the scenery they filmed by helicopter at the beginning. It was gorgeous. I think Danny Boyle did a terrific job putting the program together. I don't know how he did it and how he got it all together for that one night. There were so many people singing, dancing and just being a part of it - there must have been thousands and they were all volunteers. They spent days and months preparing. That, to me, was very impressive. I liked some parts better than others . . . my mind wandered a bit during the agrarian segment, but my mind wanders when I'm not watching something like "Breaking Bad" or "Law&Order." I got a kick out of Daniel Craig and the Queen and her Corgis. The Queen was a very good sport and actor, and I think she may be the new Bond girl. Paul McCartney closed the ceremony when he sang "Hey Jude" which he wrote supposedly to comfort John Lennon's son, Julian, when his parents divorced. It was first "Hey Jules" to honor Julian. He sang on and on - I think I took a bathroom break about then, and when I came back he was still singing.
I just watched the last part of the men's bike race that just took place. As a matter of fact, I was pedaling my stationary bike while I watched. I didn't understand any of it - how they are placed and who helps whom. I just know they rode a long ways! A guy from England was supposed to win to make it all worth while for England, but he didn't. A guy from Kazakhstan named Alexander Vinokourou won. He's 38 and had considered retiring but apparently didn't. What blew me away about the whole event was when one of the bikers fell against the metal fence and scraped his elbow pretty badly. He got right back on his bike, and a car appeared with a physician hanging out of it! The car drove right beside the biker, matching his speed, and the physician medicated the elbow as they moved along. And then away they all went! Do we have concierge doctors in this country who would do that for someone on a bike who sent a cell message to a doctor and he would appear - that way you wouldn't have to stop at all. Or for people who do marathons or trail runs - they could continue on and just be treated while they continued running or walking or whatever it is they were doing. Do you suppose that should be added to the new health bill? I like it.
I enjoyed your description of the openning ceremonies. I missed them. I wish the Games included my favorite summer sport, fishing.
Anonymous, at 3:22 PM
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