I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

In my previous postings, I wrote about my New York trip. But I left out something that almost happened to me on the way home. I was sitting in the Newark airport when suddenly I smelled the worst B.O. I’d ever encountered. I stiffened up and tried to figure out where it was coming from. Was that person going to travel with me on my way home? Would he/she sit by me? Could I have him/her kicked off the plane? I finally identified who was the stinker – he was a Mexican man sitting behind me. Occasionally he would get up and leave along with the stink, but then he’d return and it would start all over again. I have nothing against Mexicans as they don’t all stink – just this one. It reminded me of a Seinfeld episode where Jerry picked up his car from valet parking and the inside smelled of B.O. There was no way to get rid of it. The smell stuck to everyone – Elaine’s boyfriend wouldn’t even have sex with her as her hair smelled so bad. Jerry finally left the car on the street for a bum to take it, but he turned it down. Nearly everything reminds me of a Seinfeld episode. Why is that? Thankfully, the guy behind me didn’t get on my plane which was a big relief.

I got sick when I came home – I think it was some kind of flu – so I’ve been not doing much at all as I had a fever and was pretty weak. I’ve watched a lot of TV, and come to think of it, it’s sort of like my regular routine when I’m not sick and feverish. I’ve been reading about the new shows coming, and some look pretty good. My favorites will be back next year like “Fringe” which is so weird and creepy, “Lie to Me” which is interesting and has a cute leading man, and “Bones” which I love. However, I think the finale of “Bones” sucked! It ended with Booth in the hospital with his head all bandaged, and he looks at Brennan and says, “Who are you?” It was like the “Sopranos” finale. You sort of feel like, “What the hell was that?” “The Closer” will be back and “Law & Order, CI” will be back with a new actor, Jeff Goldblum, whom I really like in that part. He’s quirky and intelligent and downright funny at times. He’s a good addition. “Mad Men” will be back in August, and “Breaking Bad” will return sometime. “Breaking Bad” is one of the most brutal and strange shows I’ve seen, but I love it. The acting is great and I hope it goes on for a long time. “Burn Notice” is coming back next week and I can hardly wait. I love all the characters in it and just everything about it. There are many more shows I’ve not mentioned, but I can’t think of everything. I don’t think I’ll watch Jay Leno at 10pm. What’s that about? That’s the L&O time slot for God’s sake. I think it’s less expensive to do him than some drama. With a drama you’d need writers and someone who really gave a shit about the program which could be quite expensive. But that’s the sort of show I like because it keeps your mind going. You’re not just sitting there listening to jokes for an hour. The networks are doing more reality shows which I have never watched nor liked. I have enough reality keeping up with my daughters, Teri and Cindy. They are both so funny and sharp and could be their own reality show. Now that one I’d watch!

I’ve even been watching “The Young and the Restless” this week since I was sick. I actually watch sometimes even when I’m not sick. But it has been going downhill fast, and is now so weird it’s hard to explain. For example, Sharon is pregnant and it could be by one of three leading men on the show. Ashley is pregnant and Victor’s evil son, Adam, is trying to drive her crazy. The whole show is really off the rails – I must get well and away from the TV. But then what will I do? Maybe read a book? We’ll see.


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