I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Monday, May 26, 2008

News I find very interesting

A woman in Oregon was placed on five years’ probation after being convicted of embezzlement while she worked as a bookkeeper at Langdon Farms Golf Club. She stole $233,000 which was originally intended to stock the ATMs at the golf course clubhouse. She blames it on Mirapex she was taking at the time for Restless Leg Syndrome. I’ve written about that drug before and it’s side effects which include compulsive behavior such as gambling, shopping and increased libido. Apparently she was spending much time at a casino about 60 miles away. I’m wondering why this took so long for them to find out what sort of bookkeeping she was doing. Didn’t anyone else ever check the books? I sure hope my ATM is managed a little better than that one was. Do they now have an opening for a new bookkeeper and will they make sure she’s not on Mirapex?

I read in “The Oregonian” that the “Pasties Lady” – Jennifer Moss -- has moved from Ojai, California, to Ashland, Oregon. She lived in Ojai for a year and would ride her bicycle around town in a hemp G-string and flower-shaped pasties. This was done to promote earth-friendliness. I don’t quite get the connection between earth-friendliness and riding around on a bike nearly naked, but then I’ve never tried it. Maybe she knows something we don’t know. She was arrested many times in Ojai for obstructing traffic. I think the last time she was arrested was when she removed everything but her G-string and pasties in front of people leaving Mass outside a Catholic church. She moved from Ojai because she said the people there weren’t conscious enough about the air, soil and water. And she was helping them become more conscious? She found out that Ashland has no laws that prohibit public nudity, so she celebrated her arrival by stripping off all of her clothes and doing a headstand right outside the police station. After that, she hopped on her bike and rode naked through the city. I think Ashland will be a good fit for her with all the arty people who live there and the Shakespeare Festival. She couldn’t have picked a better home.

I recently heard of a man who took Jet Blue on a cross-country flight. I think he was on standby, but managed to get on and then sit in a jump seat reserved for the flight staff. However, a couple hours into the flight, he was informed they needed that seat for their crew and he would have to go to the lavatory and remain there for the rest of the flight which he did. He was quite upset as I can imagine. I can empathize with him as I flew Jet Blue to New York and back to Portland several weeks ago. The planes were great, the seats were very comfortable, I loved the television and they seemed to have more snacks than what I was used to. But I decided to use the lavatory during the flight and made my way back to it. I went in and was reaching for a paper seat cover when we hit some turbulence and I fell onto the seat. No seat cover, but I didn’t care by that time. I did my thing while the plane was bumping around, but when I tried to wash my hands, I couldn’t get the water turned on because of all the bumping. So I sat back down on the toilet to wait it out when all of a sudden, during some big turbulence, the cupboard over the sink flew open and feminine hygiene products went flying into the sink, onto the floor and every place! I just sat amidst all the mess, and when things quieted down a little, I lurched back to my seat where I remained for the rest of the flight. When you need a toilet, there’s no place like home.


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