I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Too much news!

I wonder if anyone else is getting as sick of all the political news as I am. I can’t turn on the news without hearing about one candidate castigating another one, usually because that one is the front runner at the time. The Republicans nit-pick at each other and the Democrats dump on Hillary. Oprah traveled with Obama through several states which I think should not be allowed. Just because she’s the richest woman in the world shouldn’t give her license to try and sway voters just by her presence. She is powerful. I remember when she was doing her book club on her show, and she elevated author James Frey to the very top of every book critic’s list and even had him on her show, praising him for his work on the book, “A Million Little Pieces.” He called it a memoir which forever gave the term “memoir” a bad name as it turns out he made up much of the book. So after making tons of money from it, he was brought down and even left the country for a while. So now Oprah is campaigning?

I’m getting a kick out of Mike Huckabee – I call him Doofus. He is so religious -- all about family and continually bringing that into his “down home” speeches. He says we should be thinking about the birth of Jesus Christ and our families. Is he giving a sermon or running for office? I wonder what he thinks about the time his son hung and killed a dog at a Boy Scout camp back in 1998. Doofus pressured the authorities to back off the case saying, “There was a dog that apparently had mange and was absolutely, I guess, emaciated.” So it was ok to hang it? The son was dismissed as a councilor and later made Eagle Scout. You can always count on the scouts, can’t you?

I also wonder about Mitt Romney. He made the statement that when he heard in 1978 that Blacks could now enter the temple and hold the Mormon Priesthood, he was driving home from college and was so overcome that he pulled off to the side of the road and wept. I don’t believe he did that for a minute, but that’s just my thought. The story goes that Spencer W. Kimball suddenly received a revelation (what is that?) that Blacks could now enter the temple and hold the Mormon Priesthood. What actually happened is the fact that the Mormon Church would have lost its Tax-Exempt 503(c) status if it didn’t change its views on Black people.

And what about those people who live in Iowa? They have been bombarded by candidates for some time now. I think they’re there night and day at every diner, Elks Club, hospital, college, bar, chicken coop, elementary school, fire station and just about anyplace where they see someone they can catch up with and to whom they can give their campaign speech about how smart, warm-and-fuzzy, knowledgeable etc. they are. I’ll bet those Iowans are scared to open their doors for fear they’ll find some candidate standing on their front steps, smiling and eager to talk. I also feel sorry for the candidates. How can they hold up through all of this?

But just about when I was ready to turn off the TV (I don’t think so) and not listen to anymore news, I hear that Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant! Thank god there’s another Spears who can take over for Britney who is so “last year” right now. Jamie Lynn is 16 and stars on a show on Nickelodeon for 9 – 14 year old girls. She is their role model. She and her mother are getting ready to publish a book on child rearing. Wonderful! Jamie Lynn said she was shocked when she found out she was pregnant, but plans to raise the baby in her home in Louisiana, “so it can have a normal life.” I don’t think there’s much more to say about that except to keep tuned for further announcements from the Spears family. Are there anymore kids in the family? We can only hope.


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