Out to Lunch
The other morning I checked Google for a green bean casserole recipe and ring worm. The bean dish was in case I have company sometime in the future . . . probably won’t happen. The ring worm thing was because I have a funny place on my arm and I wanted to read up on it. What would I do without Google? I’ll go to my pharmacist tomorrow for help which they always give me. I wish I had the CVS pharmacist that comes to your house if you’re lonely just to visit with you and who will cut your pills in half for you. But there isn’t a CVS pharmacy here – I was in one in Los Angeles with Teri, but I didn’t ask for any special help. So then I went to lunch with my friend, Diane. I showed her my possible ring worm and she was impressed. As we were on the road, I realized I had forgotten my wallet. I had taken my umbrella so that was what I carried out of the house. I seem to have trouble grabbing my purse when I already have another thing to carry. It’s possible I can’t take care of two things at one time – it’s not only possible, but probable. So Diane had to pay for my lunch which worked out quite well for me.
We first went to a jewelry store where Diane took her ring to be sized. I had left an agate there the week before for the jeweler to find a setting in which it could fit. I’ve lost all of my rings. The last to go was an agate ring my dad gave me years ago which I really loved. I think it just slipped off sometime. I’ve looked everyplace – even in my vacuum cleaner bag. I was hoping I wouldn’t find any of the spiders I had sucked up, but I didn’t see any. The agate is a beautiful one and was never made into a ring, so I decided I’d give myself one more chance to have a ring. I thought I had found the agate at the coast and my dad had polished it, but of course my brother said that he had found it. My brother always says things like that! Anyway, the jeweler hadn’t yet found anything appropriate for my agate. He said he knew I wanted something simple and not expensive. Or did he say cheap? I was thinking cheap – that’s me, simple and cheap. From there we went to a restaurant in the area and ordered a glass of wine before eating. I had chardonnay from the top of the list which was the cheapest. I mentioned that fact, and the waiter said it was ok just so long as it wasn’t the really popular cheap wine that’s sold around here. I told him that’s what I drink at home. When he brought my big burger, I asked for a box before he had even set it down. I said I’d be taking half home and eating it in the evening which I did. I think possibly I should get out more and learn how to act in public.
I was wishing I had a picture of our lunch out, but of course that wasn’t possible. So I found this picture of kids having a birthday party and eating. It was Teri’s 5th birthday, and the group assembled in our house was all kids from our cul-de-sac. It was so much simpler in the old days – now you have to rent a bowling alley, skating rink or Chuck E. Cheese for dozens of kids your child says are his/her friends. You had no idea your child had that many friends. In this picture from years ago, I made a cake, we played games and everyone had a good time, I think. The birthday girl, Teri, is in front on the left, and my mother is holding Cindy in back. The little boy with the glasses is Randy who lived down the street and turned out to be Cindy’s buddy when she added a couple of years. They played doctor, but it was a good kind of doctor. Is there any other kind?
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