I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Charles Osgood and the CBS News Sunday Morning program

I enjoy this show very much and usually watch most of it in bed while I’m waiting for my condo to warm up after I turn up the heat. In the summer I do the same thing, only then I’m not waiting for the condo to get warm, I’m just lazy. Last Sunday Bill Geist had a segment that was very interesting and funny. He presented people from all over the world that had formed choirs in their cities, and these choirs were called “Complaint Choirs!” They sang of their complaints to music written especially for them. Since some were from different countries, there were subtitles for those of us who didn’t understand foreign languages. I loved it! I think we should all do that in every city. I can think of a few complaints I could sing about:

1. Why can’t someone fix my “check engine” light that comes on all the time in my car?
2. Why does George Bush say nucular?
3. Why did the bicyclist give me the finger when I almost hit him with my car?
4. Why won’t Paramount release the marvelously exciting “Mannix” TV show on DVD?
5. Why do people on buses plan entire parties on their cell phones and don’t invite me?
6. Why is Clarence Thomas a Supreme Court Justice?
7. Why are the Osmonds on television 24/7?
8. Why is the Sunday paper so heavy I need a wagon to drag it into the house?
9. Why do some wine bottles still have corks rather than screw tops?
10. Why is this administration so corrupt?
11. Why don’t all the presidential candidates shut up for a while and give us a rest?
12. Why do joggers always look so serious and never very happy?

I could probably come up with some more complaints, but that’s enough for now. I wonder if I can find enough people to make up a choir . . . I don’t have any friends that sing which will be a problem. My brother was a music teacher so maybe he could write some music for us. I’ll just have to think about this some more.


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