I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Friday, April 27, 2007

Roe v. Wade

I was watching a “Seinfeld” re-run the other night like I occasionally do . . . to be perfectly honest, I should say like I always do . . . every night. Anyway, this was the episode where a new girlfriend of Jerry’s was trying to explain to the group how she got gonorrhea one time. Of course, they were all very interested, especially Jerry. So she says her boyfriend told her she got it from riding on a tractor in her bathing suit! Jerry and his friends were dumfounded as was I. I was thinking how appallingly stupid one person can be, and it was then that I thought of Justice Clarence Thomas. I don’t know why he came to mind – Jerry’s girlfriend was small and blond and Clarence is big and black. Whatever, I thought of him. It’s probably because I think of him as appallingly stupid and mean and could never figure out how someone like him could get on the Supreme Court.

When the Supreme Court passed the bill on abortion recently, it was just one more step in the fight to do away with Roe v. Wade. I have never understood why the government thinks it can legislate what a woman does with her body. This should be up to the woman and no one else. Where do these five men get the right to tell women what to do with their bodies? How can this have happened?

I found an article in “The Long Island Catholic” newspaper, which was slanted the Catholic way, of course, but there were a couple of sentences that spelled out the plan for the future. It mentions there was a concurring opinion from Justice Clarence Thomas, which Justice Antonin Scalia also signed, questioning the constitutional basis for Roe v. Wade. There was more in this article, and Jerry Higgins, chairman of the Long Island Coalition for Life, says even with this new ruling, there is still a lot to be done. Higgins states: “There has to be another justice appointed who opposes Roe. That is why we have to keep working politically to get pro-lifers elected.” Now that is one scary thought! But that’s what I get for reading a Catholic newspaper article.

My one hope is that none of the justices leave before Bush leaves. That would be disastrous!


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