I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Three women in Moscow convicted of HOOLIGANISM!!

I blogged about this on July 25  and now, according to "The New York Times," these women have been convicted of hooliganism. I've never heard of anything like that - maybe that's just in Moscow where those things happen. They have been sentenced to two years in a penal colony . . . something to look forward to.

These women are members of a punk band called Pussy Riot. This whole mess began when the women came into the Christ the Savior church wearing colorful balaclavas - the band's trademark headgear whatever that is. They then pranced around in front of the golden Holy Doors which lead to the altar. They were dancing, chanting and lip-syncing for what would become a music video of a profane song in which they beseeched the Virgin Mary to rid Russia of Putin. Security guards grabbed their guitars, but the song was finished at another church. Pussy Riot has never commercially released a song or an album, and seems to be more political than musical. They have many followers all over the world because of the circumstances. Madonna just recently had a concert in Moscow in which she urged the release of the women. Madonna was wearing a black bra with "Pussy Riot" stenciled in bold letters on her back. Needless to say, that didn't go over too well with the authorities. A deputy prime minister posted a Twitter message calling Madonna a "whore." I'm surprised he stooped to using twitter. Sting is also a follower of the group and supports them. I don't know if he has sung about them or possibly given speeches about tantric sex in their support. What people do in their support is very welcome.

When the judge delivered her decision, she said the political comments were spliced into the video later which made the whole action motivated by religious hatred. She also said there was evidence the women had psychological disorders. If they don't have them now, they probably will after being in the penal colony for a couple of years. Judge Marina Syrova said the women posed a danger to society and that they had committed "grave crimes" which included "the insult and humiliation of the Christian faith and inciting religious hatred."

I doubt this is the last we'll hear of the Pussy Riot group. It seems the whole world is up in arms over it and I think that is a good thing. Maybe enough pressure can be brought and Putin will become a nice guy. Not in my dreams, I'm afraid!


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