Again? Is it really time for Christmas again?
Time seems to be going faster and faster. I think it has something to do with global warming or something on that order. I looked for a Christmas picture and decided this one was good as it’s what means a lot to me. I think it was taken at a 1999 Christmas celebration at Cindy’s house when we were younger with shorter hair. I love my daughters so much and enjoy the time that I can spend with them. We all live in different places, so it takes quite a bit of preparation for us to be together. When I have cancer – that usually does it – or even a pacemaker. But I can’t do that all the time, so we have to rely on other reasons to get together. Christmas is always a good time, but it doesn’t work out very often. This year Cindy’s family is coming down from Washington to spend it with me and Teri will be in Brooklyn where she lives. But Cindy and I will have our time together where we’ll talk about Teri, and when that wears out we’ll move on to other people.
When the three of us are together we have a ball. We sit on my deck and drink wine and talk about everybody. We’ve made a lot of decisions on my deck . . . some that were very good and some after too much wine that I can’t remember. We also started our Betty Broderick sorority and elected ourselves as the only officers. Diane became a member and I think Cindy recruited some from her Brownie Morrison store in Tacoma. She has a lot of gay guys and drug addicts who come in and are very friendly and talkative. One comes in and always promises to bring his husband. I think he has a couple times, but doubt that they buy anything. I’m sure many of them are also members. The more the merrier is our motto . . . or one of our mottos. Cindy is bringing April, her bull mastiff, who is huge! She goes to the shop with Cindy every day and has to be with her all the time – she adores her and Cindy feels the same about April. So Cindy and I probably won’t have any time alone to have a meeting of any kind. April will be drooling all over us if we sit down for too long. Doesn’t every family have someone who drools a lot?
So, Teri, we’ll miss you more than I can say, but I hope your Christmas with Harry and Mark is a good one. And I also hope that no one at your celebration drools on you.
Merry Christmas!!!
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