Caucus, Caucus, Caucus . . . . . . .
When I reached voting age, it seemed comparatively easy. I’d go to a school, community center or some such place where a few old ladies ( retired women) would be sitting, passing out paper ballots. I’d take the ballot into a private stall and vote. Then I’d be on my way. No problem – just plain, old voting.
Now things are so different it all gives me a headache. For starters, I vote by mail now which is ok with me, but does my vote even count anymore? And what in the hell is a caucus? I just spent time on Google, my bible, and am more confused than ever. No one can explain caucuses to me so that I can understand. Is it that I’m really that dumb, or are they so mysterious there is no explanation for them? One explanation Google gave was the following: “Caucus is merely an old word for a meeting or session that is necessary to establish the credentials of the presidential nominees, similar to the primaries.” Another explanation from Google was: “The word comes from the Algonquin tribe of Native Americans, meaning a ‘gathering of tribal chiefs,’ and the custom dates back to the 18th century when political power-brokers met to discuss candidates.” I always thought the public voted and that was it. But apparently not. Who gets to be in the caucus? And why would they even want to? Are they the delegates?
And where did the super delegates come from, and who and what are they? Who appointed them? Google didn’t help me on that. Are they a bunch of old presidents, power-brokers, influential old-timers – definitely not run-of-the-mill persons I’d meet in my everyday, humdrum life? Are they going to be the people who, at the last minute, pick our next president? Should I even vote?
This whole election bit has become so confusing. It seems like it’s been going on forever . . . I guess it actually has. I know I’m tired of it all and will be very happy when it’s over, just so long as it goes the way I want. I came across this photo recently, and I believe it’s from a caucus meeting a few years ago. It looks to me as if it could have been a republican caucus for Bush. They somehow look like Bush people, don’t they?
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