“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fa . . . oops!”
Déjà vu! Haven’t we seen something like this before? We have! Michael Jackson performed the same ceremony a while back with his son to great acclaim. But this picture was taken years ago of my mom, dangling little Jim out the window. I was not yet born, which was a good thing, or I would have been next.
I don’t know what the outcome was of this scene, but it made a darned good picture. I do know my brother had a big scar on top of his head. When I later inquired about it, I was told it was the result of an ice skating accident which had happened a few days after this picture was taken. At the time, they say, he was attempting a triple axel and fell on his skate. I never asked him about it and I never got to see him skate . . . probably because there was no ice rink within a hundred miles of where we lived. But he must have been good as I don’t imagine there are many skaters who even attempt a triple axel at such a young age.
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