Recently “Time” magazine named Mark Zuckerberg as Person of the Year for 2010. At 26 years of age, that’s not too bad! When he was a sophomore at Harvard and 19 years old, he started from his dorm room what was called “Thefacebook.com.” As “Time” states, it was billed as “an online directory that connects people through social networks at colleges.” He eventually dropped the “the” from the title and now has 550 million members. He soon dropped out of Harvard as he had something else going then! In the movie “The Social Network,” there were many circumstances in it that didn’t really do Mark justice. He didn’t start FACEBOOK to get girls; he already had a girlfriend. He didn’t do it for the money as that doesn’t matter that much to him. He’s a regular guy and not pretentious at all. He just thought it would bring people together and even find new friends and old friends.
After reading the article, I wondered why he couldn’t go a step further and do one for the old farts and maybe name it “FACEBOOK for OFs.” I think there might be a great interest in the 60+ group. Now the readers and members, for the most part, are younger and talking about their kids, jobs, sex, travel, etc. I think the older group might talk about where to find the best plastic surgeons; who gives the best botox; what exercises are good for what parts of the body; is organic food just a big fake; is sex good after 90 and is it even possible; do I look as old as I feel; do you feel as old as you look; did you cry when NBC took the original “Law&Order” off the air; did you smile when you found there’s now a new one on BBC from the UK; what you take for erectile dysfunction and does it work; what happens if your ED medicine makes you erect more than 4 hours; do you still have orgasms and just what exactly are they. I could go on and on about things to talk about. But for me, I go on FACEBOOK but mostly just read what others write. I very seldom say anything. Maybe I have nothing interesting to say, or maybe it’s because I’d probably write something controversial as I’m prone to do, and then in the morning when I turned on my computer there would be 25 messages waiting for me.
I’m thinking there might be a lot of commingling between the two FACEBOOK pages. Wouldn’t young women looking for sugar daddies go to the OF page to search for wealthy, older men? And wouldn’t cougars go to the original FACEBOOK and entice young men with money and sex? Eventually, the two would meld into one huge FACEBOOK and the whole thing would implode! Now that sounds really exciting!!
Anonymous, at 1:33 PM
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