Scientists at Leiden University in the Netherlands state that birds called “great tits” sing
higher notes in noisy cities than they do in quieter locations. Hans Slabbekoorn and Margriet Peet state: “Great tits in the Netherlands sing songs with higher minimum frequencies if their territory is noisy.” I’m thinking that could account for the high registers singers such as Christina Aguilera and Mariah Carey reach while performing. They aren’t great tits, but both are well endowed and sing concerts in noisy arenas.
A panel recently suggested that the Oregon House and Senate should prohibit staff and members from being intoxicated while performing official legislative duties. The article went on to state: “The Public Commission on the Oregon Legislature will consider adopting that recommendation at its meeting Monday.” Apparently there are no provisions about legislator and staff use of alcohol. I find it interesting that they need laws to keep legislators from being drunk on the job. Maybe that’s why it takes so long for things to happen down there.
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